Here at the Warehouse Kids we have a desire to teach kids about God’s Word and His love for them. Your child’s spiritual growth is our top priority.
Just like our Sunday Service, we’re taking additional steps to keep our Warehouse Kids environments safe (and fun) for your family.
We’ve increased hygiene and cleaning protocols in our Warehouse Kids spaces during services.
Additional hand-sanitizing stations will be available in Warehouse Kids check-in areas.
All toys and hard surfaces will be sanitized before and after every service.
When you arrive, be ready for a redesigned check-in process to help support a safe environment.​
Our touchless experience will extend to check-in as Warehouse Kids volunteers will help you at the check-in kiosks.
We encourage you to only send one parent into Warehouse Kids for drop-off and pick-up to help limit traffic in the hallways.
Be sure to use hand sanitizer or wash your hands before entering Warehouse Kids. Encourage your child to do the same.
If you would like more information about our Children’s Ministry, contact
kidsministry@thewarehouseoc.com for more details.